Newfoundland is no stranger to snow and ice and with the majority of snowfalls including rain and freezing rain, ice is a certainty. Though ice may be a certainty it doesn't stand a change against a Saltdogg spreader. Manufactured by Buyers Products Company in Mentor, Ohio and sold in Newfoundland by Western Hydraulic there is a Saltdogg spreader to fit any and every application you may have.
The key design feature on most Saltdogg spreaders is the use of an auger instead of a pintle chain. By using an auger instead of a traditional chain it reduces seasonal maintenance to an extreme minimum and improves the efficiency of material application. This feature combined with concise drive systems and variable speed controllers with on-board diagnostics (on the electric models) make a Saltdogg spreader hard to beat.
And with a product line that offers walk behind spreaders, electric tailgate, electric and hydraulic under the tailgate, electric, gas and hydraulic slip in spreaders in poly, steel and stainless steel from 3/4 cubic yard to 16 cubic yard and the newly launched stainless steel U-Dump spreader bodies for single and tandem axle dump trucks, every possible scenario for ice control is covered. Add to that liquid spray capablties on most of the larger model spreaders and ice doesn't stand a chance.
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